Cloud 9 vs Evil Genius – 02/06/2022

The Church of C9 PRAYDGE. Memes aside, we have no clue what is going on with C9 drafts since the arrival of LS, and we don’t want to guess. Cloud 9 starts their LCS spring split debut with Ivern mid, Gwen Jungle and Sona support, leading to a swift execution of the Golden Guardians. Summit looked impressive in terms of the eye test despite dying early into the game, and we’re excited how far his mechanics can take him in NA. We don’t have enough data to appropriately rate this team yet, but expect to see more wonky drafts in the next few weeks leading up to playoffs. 

EG are a powerhouse team that don’t seem shaken by their lock-in finals loss, with Jojopyun playing as aggressive as he possibly can. They’re a team that can play multiple champions with a seemingly flexible composition. We think as the split goes on, they’ll continue to build team synergy and contend for the trophy. 

Prediction: EG are better than Cloud 9 at the moment, but the player-to-player matchup seems even across the board with the exception of Fudge. EG will take this game solely due to the fact that they’ve been a team longer and will likely be unfazed by the “cheese” comps C9 has proven they can draft. Jojopyun should smash Fudge hard like last time, and look to build that lead into the bot lane. If C9 wants to win, they’ll need to pull out super cheese comps that could potentially lead to draft blunders. 

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